At Home Companions Can Keep Seniors Socially Active and Physically Healthy

Companions can keep aging adults socially engaged and physically healthy in their own homes. Whether it’s going out for dinner, watching a movie, or playing bridge, seniors can benefit from the company and friendship of a home companion.

Many seniors find living alone a challenge, so having a home companion can provide them with social stimulation and health benefits. If you or an aging loved one require in-home care services, reach out to one of Senior Helpers’ referral agencies today for assistance.


Socialization is the process through which children acquire moral and behavioral standards, skills, motives, attitudes and behaviors that align with those of a given society. This development is essential for social functioning and maintaining culture.

Research has demonstrated the influence of family, peers, schools, religious institutions and neighborhoods on children’s development (Grusec & Goodnow, 1994). Research also indicates parents play an integral role in shaping their child’s standards, values and behavior from birth until adulthood (Lampman et al., 2001).

Primary socialization occurs during an infant’s early years of life. As they transition into different situations or groups of people during childhood, secondary socialization takes place as well. Examples of secondary socialization include entering a profession or moving to a different community.

Help with Daily Routines

Maintaining a daily routine for seniors and disabled adults can be daunting, but an at home companion can make the most of their time by helping them accomplish essential tasks. From light housekeeping to transportation and reminders about taking medications, at-home companions help seniors and disabled adults make the most of their free moments.

Maintaining a regular schedule can be invaluable for older adults with mobility issues, making it easier to live independently. For instance, getting up and moving around on a daily basis helps maintain their balance, energy levels and moods at healthy levels.

Establishing a routine requires commitment, so be patient with yourself and your senior as you work towards creating one that is both effective and sustainable. Select an activity-rich routine that your senior can enjoy without feeling like they must keep up with too many chores – this way they’ll have more freedom during their day to focus on what needs to get done.


Navigating town can be a real challenge for older adults with mobility issues or limited driving skills. But if you require assistance to get your loved one from one place to the next, there are plenty of solutions that fit both your needs and budget.

For example, ride-sharing services such as Uber and Lyft have become increasingly popular with older adults due to their convenience and affordability. These mobile apps enable users to book a ride on demand with fees depending on trip time and destination.

However, the most exciting option is a companion-to-companion transportation service that integrates transportation with other personal care tasks in one easy to use program. This means your loved one can reap all the benefits of their home care program while still maintaining independence and autonomy. Plus, they’ll always have a trusted friend by their side for comforting conversation and friendly assistance if needed. It’s an all-inclusive solution designed to make seniors happy, healthy, and able to fully enjoy life!


As seniors approach their golden years, they may begin to feel lonely and isolated. Having someone by your side for walks, conversations and games not only increases social connectedness but also helps boost self-esteem and mental health.

A companion can also provide transportation to medical and therapy appointments as well as activities outside the home. These advantages enable aging adults to remain independent while receiving essential healthcare services they need for health and happiness.

Companion care is available through a range of channels and through many local organizations and independent contractors. A great place to start is the Area Agency on Aging, which can connect you with the right services in your community.

Companions typically charge less than home health aides and are available for a daily minimum of four hours of care. However, costs can increase significantly if more extensive care is necessary.